Congrats to Judge on 60!

Can’t wait to see where he finishes. An overly impressive accomplishment for the quality of pitching in today’s league and the scandals that surrounded the last 60 home run hitters.

2022-09-21T22:34:54+00:00September 20, 2022|Uncategorized|


Got my second booster and flu shot. I joked with my pharmacist, “Am I 5g compatible now?” Wasn’t as funny as I thought.

2022-09-21T22:40:25+00:00September 16, 2022|Uncategorized|

Starting another Rewrite

Begun my third pass through of my mystery novel. I’m always discouraged by the number of mistakes I find and heartened by the number of passages I really enjoy. Once more into the Breacher.

2022-09-21T22:37:28+00:00September 10, 2022|Uncategorized|

Made a Bullet Journal

My niece is always talking about her bullet journal. I finally got her to sit down and help me make one. If your unfamiliar give it a google. I like the task keeping aspect. The sleep tracking has also proven interesting.

2022-09-21T22:29:43+00:00September 2, 2022|Uncategorized|

Rings of Power

An amazing show. After Wheel of Time I had my doubts; but the team working on Rings of Power is doing a fantastic job. Hope it is not to nerdy for the wider public.

2022-09-21T22:32:51+00:00September 1, 2022|Uncategorized|


Returned from Ireland with my family. Got a little writing done in the Emerald Isle. Sympathy to anyone who had delays or cancellations in Chicago for weather.

2022-08-23T14:21:40+00:00August 21, 2022|Uncategorized|

Dialogue Story Finished

Finished my exercise in writing a short story entirely in dialogue. I do have a cheat where I use the date and time as a way to break up scenes. But other than that it’s all dialogue. If you are interested in reading it let me know.

2022-08-25T14:22:58+00:00August 8, 2022|Uncategorized|
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